There are only a few exemptions from Chapel. Please note, work is NOT a reason for chapel exemption. Plan your work schedules accordingly. Here are a few of the accepted exemptions. For a more complete list, go to the Chapel exemption form.
Commuter students who do not have class before 12:20 p.m. on Wednesday. To be exempt, commuter students need to fill out the exemption form. You can find the exemption form on your myGeneva > Student Information > Student Life Info > Enrolled Student Forms. Class schedules are pulled two weeks after classes start. As long as your schedule does not change, your exemption will be approved.
Internships. Fill out the exemption form and then have your advisor send an e-mail to chapel@866kq.comstating that you have a credit bearing internship that must take place on Wednesday mornings.
Student Teaching. Fill out the exemption form on your myGeneva. Every semester the Education Department sends a complete list of students approved for chapel exemption to the Student Development Office.
If you have any questions, please visit the Student Development Office.